a woman named jackie cochran, and a floridat native, along with a test pilot harkness-love approached fdr at the beginning of the war and said, "you know, there are a lot of women who could fly some spy planes, there are a lot of women who could pull targets, who could transport planes from one factory to a base." as the same response when the effort was first made to get women into the war can'try, "no, no, no, we do that, we don't want women in those roles." long beforen't take it was clear that we needed someone to take over those roles. we needed someone to fly the planes from the factories to the bases. 1942, the wapr of serviceomen's army pilots -- wasp, the women's army pilots, headed to training, some of it in texas, some of it in florida. 'sese women had a pilot license, a commercial pilot's license, and they learned to fly, "the army way." they would not fly in combat maneuvers because they were not allowed to in any way participate in combat. more than 25,000 women applied to be a wasp. fewer than 1900 were accepted. sps weree training, wa stationed in over 120 airbases acr