. >> my name is jackie fielder and running to represent district 9 to represent the mission, bernal heights port luand saint marry. e mary. daughter of single working mom. i have been in the bay my adult life and renter of the mission for 8 years. graduated frame stanford bachelors and master in public policy and sociology and concentrated on economic and educational inequity in the schooling system. climate advocate, every day muni rider, educator, city commissioner and cofounder of the san francisco public bank coalition. i helped pass the first law in the nation for san francisco to move public taxpayer dollars out of wall street banks and into public bank to finance affordable housing, small business and renewable energy. i think we face a choice in this city. do we surrender to fear and go backwards to failed policies of the past, or do we choose the path of hope and research driven progress? my campaign is about hope. my focus is the fight for effective investment in public safety, housing first for homeless, treatment for mental health and addiction, ending public school student home