it was a joke in the old jackie gleason routine when he said have you lived your whole life in brooklyn. jackie answered not yet. that captures our situation. we are not there yet, but we will be. now 100% of us must die. some of us, many of us, will accompany our loved ones to and through death. a smaller group will be among the professionals, the medical and support people whose vocation it is to aid and guide the sick and dying. how does any of us in any of the categories approach these tasks? how discharged these great responsibility this is what do we need to know and understand and do? important questions. after this brief break, please join us for a catholic conversation on death and dying. >> hello and welcome to mosaic. we're talking about death and dying. the serious subject, but with some lively people as guests. they're entertaining and interesting, knowledgeable. i'll introduce them briefly. this is vicky evans. vicky, on your title, i put cpa and stl behind your name. you work as a cpa, that's your vocation. i know you're also a writer, a giver of workshops in bio ethics a