. >> afternoon, supervisors, i'm jackie jenching from hospitality house. also from the shelter and resource center association. over the past five years, we have seen a drastic shift in the stability of the emergency homeless services system. we've lost one-third of our shelter beds and half of our drop-in centers. we have 1,100 single adult shelter beds for more than 6,000 homeless adults on the streets of san francisco. in the family shelter system has six to seven months just for families to get into basic shelter. as funding for safety net services has become less prioritized in this city and we're looking at federal and state cuts next year, the need has increased in the remaining shelters and resource centers have reached a critical state. as you have heard insufficient staffing levels and unable to meet in some cases basic standards of care we truly believe in. one of the biggest concerns facing homeless services system is safety. cuts in staffing levels left us with the lowest staff-to-client ratio ever at a time when the acuity and need is at its