defunding the police department, prosecuting what you call killer cops, getting rid of the d.a., jackie lacy you going to accomplish that? what's next. >> the pow of the people will accomplish it. what we have already seen is the mayor commit to strip back $150 million in police funding. and that was a direct result of the power of the people. we know that that's not enough. and it's too late, and we're going to push for more. we also know that there's an election in november. and the chant that jackie lacey must go is way out there, and people already know that she's partially responsible for the murders of 601 people in l.a. county who were killed by police and whose killers, who are cops, did not go prosecuted. so we're understanding that there's momentum building. people understand what it means to defund police. people understand that the only two things that keep people safe from police violence are accountability for police, prosecutions of police, and defunding police. so we see that moving. we're going to make sure that we start with getting police out of our schools and parks and p