there was a school bus driver, her name's jackie miller, where the students knew she had allergies, soing to spray perfume on her to put her into an asthma attack, and she finally just said enough is enough. will: here's what jackie had to say about this incident. >> got to my first stop and drop my first group of kids off, that's when he shouted that this student had sprayed perfume which i'm extremely allergic too. i -- to. i stopped the bus to see what was going on, and it just escalated from there because this young man had a look on his face, you know, he had a smirk thinking that, oh, this was really funny, which it isn't. and that's when i snapped. will: okay. i think, pete, one of the tensions you can have in this conversation is you could say, well, kids have is always been bad. pete: that's true. will: but let me show you a broader or survey of what's happening across this country. this is america's malls. so now you're talking about across the country. america's malls who have begun to enact curfews because from mississippi to georgia, up to new jersey they're seeing problem