fitness expert jackie warner is the host of "the intervention" on bravo.itness dvd is called crunch free extreme abs. good morning, great to see you. >> good morning. >> why do so many of us lose the battle against weight in terms of the resolution, the will to lose weight? >> they set unrealistic goals. so if you've got a 50-pound weight loss goal in two months, that's unrealistic. you can't -- apply biggest loser to your own lifestyle when you're not training for six hours a day on a 1200 calorie a day diet. number one. number two, if you buy books or get into fitness routines that over-complicate, you're setting yourself up for failure big-time. you have to simplify, simplify, simplify. >> let's talk about some of the tips you brought along. one is to get in touch, find your inner athlete. what do you mean by that? >> i said that many times on my show. find your inner warrior. what you really need to do is you need to set a goal that's not just about weight loss, but athletic goals. whether it be timed push-ups, timed squats or running up that hill and