a positive congressional vote on jackson banek for russia is a matter above all of u.s. international economic interest. so that u.s. businesses and workers can benefit fully from the strong wto accession package negotiated laboriously over nearly two decades. second, most discussion of current trade issues would be complete without mentioning china. another area where u.s. and e.u. interests and concerns very often converge. in the context of doha we work together closely developing and advocating tougher subsidy rules particularly involving state owned banks and state owned enterprises. while those efforts have not borne fruit to date they did lay the foundation for future work. currently the oecd is examining the issue of state-owned enterprises and competitive neutrality. while the united states is looking to advance new disciplines on state-owned enterprises in the context of the transpacific partnership. more broadly, we mist continue to monitor and take action to combat china's trade distorting industrial policiepolicies. whether that be with respect to china's po