what jackson vanek represents what it stands for with history there may be others who are not perhaps fully familiar with in the. for the deal. the maybe sun and not everybody is an expert on trade and i mean this is an exceptional case is now the largest economy outside of the youth you know that's entering after a long process of negotiation russia so. what we've been doing. on capitol hill is explaining to members of congress to their staff to the staff of. committees that have jurisdiction over this matter what you know is what jackson vanek is how jackson granik will impede our ability to take advantage of the concessions that russia has made and i think they're coming around to that view i don't i don't meet many people today who after what we have done over the past two years of particular over the past three months who don't acknowledge now is in our economic interest to jackson very correct me if i'm mistaken but from what you're saying i'm getting an impression that the reason for which. you know that is is not economic not political but rather regular is what you're talking