later in our program we're going to hear more from jacob kornbleuth and joining us now from the studio, the research and policy director at the economic policy institute. with us is leslie mccall from northwestern university. the author of "the undeserving rich." and edward mcclelland, journalist and author of "nothing but blue skies." good to have you with us. >> thank you. >> take us back to a time when we didn't have that 24 hour noise if you will back to the 50s and 60s where the middle class was sailing along one parent in the home. things were working out. money in the bank for college, and no major loan debt. what happened? >> well, if you go back to the 40s and 50s and 60s that's a time when working people had everything working for them. that's when we came out o out od war two with any industrial capacity. we were the only country that could make cars, steel. there was no competition. there was no foreign competition for labor. there was no domestic competition. between 1945 and 1965 the country was closed to immigration. the classic strike breaking tactic of the late 19th an