corbyn. —— jacob rees—mogg or borisjohnson or jeremy corbyn.ive the executive more power than is necessary in order to achieve their objectives. than is necessary in order to achieve their objectiveslj than is necessary in order to achieve their objectives. i have considered this issue, and i think the lordships need to consider it in the lordships need to consider it in the round, the round being all the other limitations that currently exist on ministers, and placed importantly, the amendment that my noble friend, the minister, is making to this point, which i believe does address many of the concerns. what i would ask your lordships at this point is to consider this. if the government acting a reasonable way to ensure has the powers necessary to deliver a smooth and orderly brexit? —— acting it in a reasonable way.|j understand the notional appeal of only permitting ministers to act where it is necessary, and here i agree with my distinct predecessor, my noble friend lord bridges, the midwife, as he put it, to this bill. but it should not be