as for jacob shauntee, his future remains as troubled as his past.leted all programs and has earned his release, he can't go home. according to superintendent mike dempsey, jacob has no one or no place to take him in. >> it could be directly related to there being no parent, to there being no guardian, no relative that's willing to take the offender in. it could be that they've exhausted all of the other community placement treatment programs that were out there, and we're having to dig and try to find as best we can somebody else to take him. >> in his final comments about what he sees for his future, jacob reveals one last wrenching detail about the life he left behind. >> normal, good life for me? going back to school so i could finish my high school diploma, take care of my little girl, get married to my girl's mama. take care of them. pretty much normal. >>> due to mature subject matter, viewer discretion is advised. >> america's prisons. dangerous. often deadly. there are 2 million people doing time every day. it's a battle to survive and to ma