sticking to with aim of relying on renewable energy for the majority of the power needs by 2035 . jacobo blankenburg as a member of the german boone, this dog is also the spokesperson for nuclear policy for the social democrats. since germany's final 3 nuclear power stations are being taken offline today. i asked him if he considers this to be a good day. yes, i think it's a good day. nuclear energy is a high risk technology because nuclear reactors are vulnerable. for example, for nuclear natural events as we have seen in fukushima japan several years ago. and they won't ro, vulnerable for combat operations. you just have to look into the ukraine and all the news we get from separation and direct reactor over there. bad. but we also must not forget that there is no solution for how to handle the nuclear waste. one of the most, most, most dangerous substances mankind has ever created in the next 30000 generations will have to deal with it. germany does differ even from its european allies. in some ways, france is actually building new reactors to increase electricity supply does germany know somethi