jacopo pesaro commissioned the artist to portray him giving thanks to the virgin for victory at santaenetians and the pope defeated the turks. pesaro, the venetian, was admiral of the papal fleet. the spectacle of state included processions from the doge's palace to the most prominent churches across the water, each designed by andrea palladio as a classical temple transformed for christian celebration. palladio adopted the monumental simplicity of ancient roman buildings to make a new kind of christian church. and he created spaces of unprecedented clarity. a very different light actually suffuses the paintings that tintoretto created for the presbytery of palladio's church. it is not that clear light of a measured and harmonious universe. it's a much more turbulent light, a light that emerges from darkness. jacopo tintoretto created a symbolic drama with scenes from the old and new testaments. across the altar, opposite the descent of manna from heaven, is his version of the last supper. tintoretto organized the perspective so the paintings were best seen from the altar steps by wor