here's abc's jacqueline lee. reckless driver on smyrna dunes, a woman is charged with driving her vehicle up to 50mph on a volusia county, florida beach packed with holiday revelers allegedly while under the influence. police say she allegedly plowed her car into the water after almost hitting a child. they kind of stopped us and they said that we almost hit a child. i didn't think that we did. in the moments after body camera footage shows deputies interviewing 26 year old sarah ramsammy of orlando, who appears to admit that she was behind the wheel. we were just trying to turn around. we didn't think that we could do a u turn around here, and we're just trying to keep going. authorities say ramsey smith sped down the dog friendly beach in close proximity to families, their children and pets. vehicles are allowed on some parts of the beach. and why am i going to jail right now? i think you're driving under the influence. okay. she was taken into custody and officials say she had a blood alcohol level of 0.153. t