jacqueline o'neill talks about the role that when planned peace building in security efforts in muslim countries. after that, a former cia intelligence officer on his recent article in "form policy" magazine. plus or e-mail and phone calls. "washington journal." live tomorrow starting at 7:00 and on c-span. yesterday, the government announced a 5.7% growth in the gross domestic product. president obama talks about his weekly online address and including initiatives to lower the federal deficit. and susan collins, senior republican on the senate homeland security committee discusses the interrogation procedures used against -- airliner flight 253. >> at this time last year, banks were on the verge of collapse and job losses of 700,000 and month. we received another troubling piece of news about our economy. it was shrinking at an alarming rate. the largest six-month decline in 50 years. factories and farms were producing less, businesses were selling less, and more job losses were on the horizon. one year later, according to numbers released this past week, this trend has reversed itsel