host: jacqueline simon is with the american federation of government employees. ken is a federal employee in washington, our first caller. caller: hi. the president has already said there will not be sequestration. its attitude of the agency they are not planning for it. the defense department said they were going to start. what can you do to encourage agencies to actually provide information? host: what kind of integration are you getting? are you hearing anything from your employer about what could be in the future? caller: no. guest: it is very frustrating and insulting to be kept in the dark like that. unfortunately, that is the position of a fellow employees have found themselves in, being told it's not going to happen. i said earlier that sequestration is only one bad scenario. if you look at some of the proposals that are in these grand bargain, in these deals, to avoid sequestration, they are at least as bad if not worse for federal employees than sequestration would be, which is not to say i'm advocating sequestration,. by no means. attention, a lot of a