to you, the environmentalist, it meant something to you in your life, like jacques cousteau or others. >> shark is stow, jane goodall, the chimpanzee lady, those are two that -- obviously captain cousteau's son, very, very -- the position in this area. >> they're is a story that you tell me. it was about you when the going down the amazon. and that think that things are looking desolate in the environmental world. he shared a conversation with you. you remember that? >> sure. >> tell me that story. >> i was a little discouraged. it was back when reagan was president. he had just called russia the evil empire. that is not the way they -- that is not the way the make friends. [laughter] anyway, the i am having a hard time keeping from getting discouraged about the beginning of their weapons and having peace in the world. he said, even if we knew for sure where were going to lose, which we don't, what else could we do but keep fighting until the end. whenever i tended to get discouraged since then, that was 25 years ago, i remember what the captain said then i say that to myself the. of