so it's an area jadick it's steep it's hypnotic it gives you the present moment feeling so when when you're listening to techno you're fully in the present moment . it's music that strong fast and loud enough to push back to call feelings of fear like those last 5 or 2006 that been on the wall. when i was in beirut i didn't have time to think about these things because i was more on survival mode but then when you come to a place where you feel like comfortable and safe then these traumas start coming out through the music that i was making and i let it out and in a way i felt like when i made this it it's it was releasing this kind of trauma so it was healing me somehow. the label is called oh it's time for the initial stand for insert from which loosely translates hours we've moved beyond caring and reflect to choose. if i had like a specific experience where the emotions are so chaotic and i don't know how to deal with it there's a natural instinct and i grabbed the microphone and you know comets out. user is living for north java and she's found freedom of expression and techno.