many of the people associated with the institute are former students of harry jaffa, who was, for many years, a professor out there in the claremont mckenna college and graduate school. c-span: how big is it? how many people belong to it? >> guest: well, it's not like--it's not quite as big as aei, but it's one of the major conservative--sort of second-tier conservative think tanks in america. c-span: and where is claremont, california? what's it near? >> guest: well, it's about 30 miles east of la. c-span: in the beginning of your book under acknowledgments, you say, 'through the generosity of henry salvatori, charles kessler brought me to claremont mckenna college as a salvatori visiting scholar.' >> guest: right. c-span: who is henry salvatori? >> guest: salvatori just died recently at the age of--you know, i think he was about 97. he was an italian immigrant who was a very successful businessman and made a pile of money developing techniques of oil exploration that turned out to be very successful. and in his later years, he became a major donor to causes and to people who were int