and the german philosopher and writer jagan goethe once said: a person knows himself only to the extentgage in self-development and follow fashion trends trends in the cultural life of our country. alina nevoina was with you, remember, being cultured is fashionable. see you in a week. until new cultural meetings. white and red is now our flag. let's form a hand-to-hand grip. the hitch is a priori an element of attack. and of course, the phrase “let’s stand close together is a call.” here is a bc flag - inciting social hatred and enmity. but this is different, i guess. smagar pro-ukrainian singer, this is the prototype of the wedding in malinovka, the government is changing, words and views are changing, now he is exchanging article 342, what are the conclusions did, probably, then i was under the emotional influence of the general information flow, very strong, now there has been a big reassessment of values in my life, i can have a constructive dialogue, so i demand the withdrawal of russian... troops from belarus and on the poster in my hands “i support ukraine” . well, before that