Apr 26, 2023
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jaime garcÍa tiene las reacciones.cidio y tortura del pequeÑo donde seis aÑos, quien fue encontrado inconsciente en su casa por agentes del alguacil, y una zonas despuÉs declarado muerto en el hospital donde fue atendido de emergencia. anthony era un niÑo indefenso que dependÍa de los acusados para sus necesidades de apoyo emocional, pero en cambio fue torturado y asesinado por ellos. >> yo estoy quebrada, pero siento un alivio de saber que por fin tenemos la justicia que nuestro niÑo se merece. reportero: antes de la sentencia ella escuchÓ sin inmutarse los testimonios de una decena de familiares, incluyendo a su hija, su prima marÍa, y varios sobrinos que le reclamaron no haber evitado la muerte de anthony, y pidieron al juez que le impusiera el mÁximo castigo a la pareja de convictos. >> porque como madre le fallaste a tu hijo. jaime: por su parte leiva pidiÓ hacer uso de la palabra, pero despuÉs decidiÓ no hacerlo, continuamente hablaba con su defensor. >> y lo que tuvo que pasar anthony, todavÍa no puedo hacerme l
jaime garcÍa tiene las reacciones.cidio y tortura del pequeÑo donde seis aÑos, quien fue encontrado inconsciente en su casa por agentes del alguacil, y una zonas despuÉs declarado muerto en el hospital donde fue atendido de emergencia. anthony era un niÑo indefenso que dependÍa de los acusados para sus necesidades de apoyo emocional, pero en cambio fue torturado y asesinado por ellos. >> yo estoy quebrada, pero siento un alivio de saber que por fin tenemos la justicia que nuestro...
Apr 13, 2023
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jaime: en las Últimas semanas los precio de la gasolina han ido en aumento. vilma: Éste es el impacto visible de la adicciÓn al crack en las calles de filadelfia considerada por muchos la zona cero en el uso de esta droga que mezclada con el fentanilo hizo que las cifras por sobredosis de drogas se dispararan en el paÍs. en filadelfia la mayorÍa del fentanilo ilegal viene mezclado con crack. este tranquilizante no fue creado para los seres humanos. puede dejar a las personas que hacen mÓviles por dios. como lo explica el doctor arturo loaiza, que ha tratado a pacientes afectados por esa droga. >> la otra problemÁtica es que las y la silacina cuando se combina con el fentanilo los efectos duran mÁs . es decir que la depresiÓn respiratoria que veneran la sobredosis dura mucho mÁs tiempo. vilma: este hombre perdiÓ siete libras de piel por las llagas que le ha generado la droga, y ademÁs no se curan. >> son lesiones terribles. vilma: el otro problema es que no hay antÍdoto que puede revertir su efecto. la senadora demÓcrata katerin cortÉs presentÓ un proyecto de
jaime: en las Últimas semanas los precio de la gasolina han ido en aumento. vilma: Éste es el impacto visible de la adicciÓn al crack en las calles de filadelfia considerada por muchos la zona cero en el uso de esta droga que mezclada con el fentanilo hizo que las cifras por sobredosis de drogas se dispararan en el paÍs. en filadelfia la mayorÍa del fentanilo ilegal viene mezclado con crack. este tranquilizante no fue creado para los seres humanos. puede dejar a las personas que hacen...
Apr 28, 2023
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jaime: en los Ángeles, jaime garcÍa, univisiÓn.on expulsadas bajo el tÍtulo 42, una ley sanitaria por la pandemia que vence el 11 de mayo, mÁs de 168,000 personas fueron detenidas y deportadas bajo el tÍtulo ocho, y esto es lo que quedarÁ cuando desaparezca el tÍtulo 42, bajo el tÍtulo ocho los emigrantes son detenidos, procesados y deportados. ilia: este plan migratorio no ha sido bien recibido por muchos migrantes de la caravana que cruza mÉxico, agotados por el calor extra muy a camino recorrido dicen que no regresarÍa a sus paÍses de origen para empezar a tramitar la reunificaciÓn familiar. jessica zermeÑo hablÓ con ellos en chiapas, mÉxico. jessica: en chiapas las medidas migratorio anunciadas por la casa blanca fueron recibidos por los integrantes de las caravanas con su aprecio mucho disgusto. >> no estoy de acuerdo, zona mandato —— es una maldad para los que estÁn aquÍ. jessica: estÁ convencido de que nada cambiarÁ. >> lo que voy a esperar son dos dÍas, de allÍ decido caminar. jessica: en este campamento ni los que tienen f
jaime: en los Ángeles, jaime garcÍa, univisiÓn.on expulsadas bajo el tÍtulo 42, una ley sanitaria por la pandemia que vence el 11 de mayo, mÁs de 168,000 personas fueron detenidas y deportadas bajo el tÍtulo ocho, y esto es lo que quedarÁ cuando desaparezca el tÍtulo 42, bajo el tÍtulo ocho los emigrantes son detenidos, procesados y deportados. ilia: este plan migratorio no ha sido bien recibido por muchos migrantes de la caravana que cruza mÉxico, agotados por el calor extra muy a...
Apr 7, 2023
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en los Ángeles, jaime, univisiÓn.o de dos aÑos muriÓ y sus padres resultaron gravemente heridos. reportes indican que uno sÓlo importÓdirigÍan a un sector del rÍo bravo para cruzar actos unidos. jorge: miles han saturado las playas y carreteras por la semana santa, las recientes balacera en cancÚn han hecho las sales refuercen la seguridad con miles de soldados que permanecerÁn hasta finales de la prÓxima semana. pero como nos dice jessica, ni esto impidiÓ que mÁs de 20 migrantes desaparecieranÓpera asaltados en una carretera. jessica: asÍ lucen las playas de mÉxico en estas vacaciones de semana santa saturadas y con miles de miembros de la fuerzas armadas y guardia nacional vigilando. despuÉs de que en los Últimos dÍas se registraran al menos una decena de asesinatos en las playas de quintana rocky guerrero. hechos violentos que dejaron heridos a varios turistas. en puerto de acapulco los cuerpos nacionales hacen ronda las 24 horas, algunos arma para relajar a los visitantes como ivÁn que viajÓ con su familia. maity:
en los Ángeles, jaime, univisiÓn.o de dos aÑos muriÓ y sus padres resultaron gravemente heridos. reportes indican que uno sÓlo importÓdirigÍan a un sector del rÍo bravo para cruzar actos unidos. jorge: miles han saturado las playas y carreteras por la semana santa, las recientes balacera en cancÚn han hecho las sales refuercen la seguridad con miles de soldados que permanecerÁn hasta finales de la prÓxima semana. pero como nos dice jessica, ni esto impidiÓ que mÁs de 20 migrantes...
Apr 11, 2023
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[habla en inglÉs] jaime: en febrero pasado el propietario y presidente de los dodgers informa fernando, que ahora se corona con el retiro del famoso nÚmero 34. >> para mÍ es mÁs importante estar con la gente que en un salÓn de la fama, para mÍ asÍ serÁ siempre, y realmente la gente me ha apoyado bastante, eso jorge: fernando valenzuela era el gran hombre nos abriÓ camino. debe estar en el salÓn de la fama. maity: el nÚmero 34 nunca masa serÁ usado, pronto iniciarÁn toda la celebraciÓn por esta [música] aún me sigue sorprendiendo que una chava como tú se haya fijado en mí. ya te he dicho que a mí no me importa la edad.
[habla en inglÉs] jaime: en febrero pasado el propietario y presidente de los dodgers informa fernando, que ahora se corona con el retiro del famoso nÚmero 34. >> para mÍ es mÁs importante estar con la gente que en un salÓn de la fama, para mÍ asÍ serÁ siempre, y realmente la gente me ha apoyado bastante, eso jorge: fernando valenzuela era el gran hombre nos abriÓ camino. debe estar en el salÓn de la fama. maity: el nÚmero 34 nunca masa serÁ usado, pronto iniciarÁn toda la...
Apr 19, 2023
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jaime garcÍa nos presenta a Ángel reyes.Útgolf, se cumple el mismo recorrido bajo la misma regla que los deportistas. en los aÑos 2016 y 2019 aquel se coronÓ campeÓn de los estado unidos en futgolf. ahora se prepara para el prÓximo manual de esa especialidad. >> a mÍ me comparan con los golpes de salida a tiger woods. jaime: tubo que represente irse y representar a mÉxico o a estados unidos en este prÓximo campeonato mundial, pero vistiendo la casaca de las barras y las estrellas estÁ decidido a convertirse en el prÓximo campeÓn individual de fÚtbol. su reto es combinar su deber de padre con la combinaciÓn de su preparaciÓn. >> en este deporte hay que buscar los recursos para poder pagar los gastos. jaime: ¿tienes confianza en ganar un campeonato mundial? >> sÍ, tengo la confianza mÁs grande del mundo ahora, yo me creo top 5 del mundo. jorge: nunca lo habÍa visto, nunca lo he jugado, pero ahora me dan ganas de jugarlo. ilia: yo tampoco. aprendemos algo nuevo todos los dÍas.
jaime garcÍa nos presenta a Ángel reyes.Útgolf, se cumple el mismo recorrido bajo la misma regla que los deportistas. en los aÑos 2016 y 2019 aquel se coronÓ campeÓn de los estado unidos en futgolf. ahora se prepara para el prÓximo manual de esa especialidad. >> a mÍ me comparan con los golpes de salida a tiger woods. jaime: tubo que represente irse y representar a mÉxico o a estados unidos en este prÓximo campeonato mundial, pero vistiendo la casaca de las barras y las...
Apr 15, 2023
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jaime: especialistas seÑalan que no existe una definiciÓn cientÍfica de lo que es, sino que mÁs bien
jaime: especialistas seÑalan que no existe una definiciÓn cientÍfica de lo que es, sino que mÁs bien
Apr 18, 2023
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jaime: esta es la forma violenta que una turba rompiÓ un vidrio a prueba de balas para entrar a robara habÍa participado en el ser ilegal de esta intersecciÓn del Área angelina, para que varios automÓvilesrealizarÁn de lapones en cÍrculo a toda velocidad la madrugada del sÁbado. > >> hubo seis negocios en cuatro lugares diferentes que fueron robados. jaime: aquÍ estÁn las llantas de quienes participan de este peligroso espectÁculo. >> lo que queremos es que paren todo esto. jaime: este es uno de los dos restaurantes de comida mexicana que tambiÉn fueron robados por la turba. en estos eventos clandestinos se ha provocado la muerte de personas inocentes como raymond steve olivares. >> y en vez de celebrar su boda celebramos su funeral. >> Él y claudia rivas cruzaban la calle cuando un conductor que huÍa de la policÍa dejÓ de participar en uno de estos eventos clandestinos les atropellÓ arrebatÁndoles la vida y dejando malherida a su prometida. >> tiene que venir las fuerzas armadas. >> le hemos estado siguiendo las redes sociales y los vÍdeos que han circulado para poder mantener, y enc
jaime: esta es la forma violenta que una turba rompiÓ un vidrio a prueba de balas para entrar a robara habÍa participado en el ser ilegal de esta intersecciÓn del Área angelina, para que varios automÓvilesrealizarÁn de lapones en cÍrculo a toda velocidad la madrugada del sÁbado. > >> hubo seis negocios en cuatro lugares diferentes que fueron robados. jaime: aquÍ estÁn las llantas de quienes participan de este peligroso espectÁculo. >> lo que queremos es que paren todo...
Apr 20, 2023
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jaime: en nuevos programas una extensiÓn del desaparecido fondo para justicia de los Ángeles iniciadones de dÓlares, si tiene una peticiÓn o quiere traer un familiar, o necesita educaciÓn sobre sus derechos migratorios, la ciudad de los Ángeles esta por endoso dinero. jaime: el presupuesto de este programa tiene una duraciÓn inicial de tres aÑos con la posibilidad de que se ha extendido dos aÑos adicionales. >> es una gran oportunidad para todos los que estamos pendientes y que queremos estar legales en este paÍs. ilia: ahora vamos a hablar de comida. el rey carlos iii ya tiene un plato oficial para su coronaciÓn el mes de enero. jorge: el rey y la reina camila eligieron el plato francÉs en recuerdo a su madre, la difunta reina isabel ii. ilia: se espera que este plato sea el centro de muchas fiestas el dÍa de la coronaciÓn, estas que se van a celebrar en todo el reino unido.úsica]
jaime: en nuevos programas una extensiÓn del desaparecido fondo para justicia de los Ángeles iniciadones de dÓlares, si tiene una peticiÓn o quiere traer un familiar, o necesita educaciÓn sobre sus derechos migratorios, la ciudad de los Ángeles esta por endoso dinero. jaime: el presupuesto de este programa tiene una duraciÓn inicial de tres aÑos con la posibilidad de que se ha extendido dos aÑos adicionales. >> es una gran oportunidad para todos los que estamos pendientes y que...
Apr 12, 2023
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jaime: the ecb has boxed itself into a corner.rouble is that core inflation will not come down over the next few months. there are some sister sickle oddities, the court will keep declining at least until december. that means there will always be pressure for them to hike over the coming months. they will probably keep going. thereafter, the picture is quite different. we have not seen the wage gains that have happened. it is much more moderate. i think the outlook is more benign. tom: you start to see that coming down significantly in terms of headline. 24 basis points is the call there. thank you from jaime rush. let's get bloomberg first word news. sam: investigating british industry following allegations of sexual harassment amongst staff. the city of london say they approached the biggest group after allegations made by more than one dozen women who have worked in the organization cbi. the cbi says they are working with police and are complying fully. the swiss have approved of more than 100 billion francs for the credit suis
jaime: the ecb has boxed itself into a corner.rouble is that core inflation will not come down over the next few months. there are some sister sickle oddities, the court will keep declining at least until december. that means there will always be pressure for them to hike over the coming months. they will probably keep going. thereafter, the picture is quite different. we have not seen the wage gains that have happened. it is much more moderate. i think the outlook is more benign. tom: you...
Apr 25, 2023
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en los Ángeles, jaime garcÍa como univisiÓn.ar con la policÍa para proteger a los adultos mayores, y es que han aumentado los asaltos en su contra un 15%, en la noche les contamos donde son mÁs frecuentes esos delitos. en los angeles hay hartazgo para enfrentar la violencia que hace poco incluyÓ robo a 10 restaurantes, en una sola noche lÍderes han propuesto leyes enfocadas en las armas. estÁn proponiendo algo muy obvio, retirar las armas de fuego de quien no tiene permiso para tenerlas, la pregunta es cÓmo lo harÁn. al regresar, el presidente biden y la primera dama le rinden tributo a las mejores maestras del paÍs. [habla en in illinois está en el centro. ¿y qué encontrarás en el centro? el lugar donde el pasado inspira al futuro. ♪ ♪ innovación inigualable. ♪ ♪ el centro del descubrimiento. ♪ ♪ y aventuras inesperadas a tu alrededor. illinois el centro de todo. ilia: el presidente y la primera dama le rindieron tributo a las maestras que fueron reconocidas como las mejores del paÍs. jorge: entre ellas hay i que son emigrantes
en los Ángeles, jaime garcÍa como univisiÓn.ar con la policÍa para proteger a los adultos mayores, y es que han aumentado los asaltos en su contra un 15%, en la noche les contamos donde son mÁs frecuentes esos delitos. en los angeles hay hartazgo para enfrentar la violencia que hace poco incluyÓ robo a 10 restaurantes, en una sola noche lÍderes han propuesto leyes enfocadas en las armas. estÁn proponiendo algo muy obvio, retirar las armas de fuego de quien no tiene permiso para...
Apr 23, 2023
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jaime garÍa nos explica desde california...ar en sus aulas copias enmarcadas de los diez mandamientos, seÚn un proyecto aprobado por el senado estatal& lossenadores tambien aprobaron designar un momento para la oracÓn y la lectura de la biblia& esto para que“todos los tejanos puedan expresar libremente sus creencias religiosa”, seÚn un comunicado del vicegobernado r dan patrick.. criticos consideran que la medida va contra la libertad de culto en estados unidos... una migrante venezolana hizo el duro recorrido para alcanzar una nueva vida en este pÍs... pero las condiciones de la traveÍa afectaron a su pequeÑo maÍas, uno de sus dos hijos... con solo tres aÑos de edad, maÍas sufre hoy de problemas pulmonares... y su atencÓn Édica es costosa... su madre esÁ apelando a la generosidad de otros... adilene archuleta nos tiene esta draÁtica historia. en el Ía de la tierra, univision planeta les muestra la importancia del reciclaje de desperdicios para el medio ambiente. y el pachuca da un paso Ás para sacar boleto directo a la liguill
jaime garÍa nos explica desde california...ar en sus aulas copias enmarcadas de los diez mandamientos, seÚn un proyecto aprobado por el senado estatal& lossenadores tambien aprobaron designar un momento para la oracÓn y la lectura de la biblia& esto para que“todos los tejanos puedan expresar libremente sus creencias religiosa”, seÚn un comunicado del vicegobernado r dan patrick.. criticos consideran que la medida va contra la libertad de culto en estados unidos... una migrante...
Apr 16, 2023
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jaime garÍa nos explica...entado terrorista en la maraÓn de esa ciudad donde murieron tres personas y otras 264 resultaron heridas& dos hermanos chechenos fueron identificados como responsables& uno de ellos murÓ al enfrentarse a la poliÍa& el sobreviviente, tamerlan sar- naev fue condenado a muerte por inyeccÓn letal. su condena sigue bajo apelacÓn. la crisis migratoria ha originado retrasos en el transporte de carga en ciudad jÁrez, debido al "cierre indefinido" del puente Órdova-aÉricas, que conecta al estado de chihuahua con el paso, texas... los retrasos han ocasionado Érdidas calculadas en Ás de 10 millones de Ólares "diarios"... los transportistas han tomado como opciones alternas los puentes internacionales de zaragoza- ysleta, el paso del norte. los traficntes de humanos o "coyotes" y los narco-traficantes esÁn reclutando Óvenes y adolescentes en el pÍs, para realizar sus actividades delictivas en la frontera entre Éxico y estados unidos... las autoridades han lanzado una advertencia, ya que estas orga
jaime garÍa nos explica...entado terrorista en la maraÓn de esa ciudad donde murieron tres personas y otras 264 resultaron heridas& dos hermanos chechenos fueron identificados como responsables& uno de ellos murÓ al enfrentarse a la poliÍa& el sobreviviente, tamerlan sar- naev fue condenado a muerte por inyeccÓn letal. su condena sigue bajo apelacÓn. la crisis migratoria ha originado retrasos en el transporte de carga en ciudad jÁrez, debido al "cierre indefinido"...
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not when it comes to her lifelong dream. closing jaime walker, i met a few friends and told them i wanted to ride with them to get him. and he said, if i wanted, i could come with them on the weekend. they took me along and i rode a cath, i knew how to fix the spurs to thought so they helped me and put the chaps on me the best and everything around. one day i sat on the calf with no idea where to put the spurs land or how to hold on. but they showed me that to about us in the local balls. i am is, are you on, is arianna gong at dallas. well, i think another carrier here, marcia, you thought of the senior from altamont. 2 weeks later, the asked me if i wanted to go with them to a had a pale one time. and i said yet no thought about bit by bit and i got hurt at all. i started to dream of a big career. i'm around for, i'm a math set of random companies. i know they gave me the strength to give everything hacker. they said they would help me make it to the usa one day. bye. yeah. wow, no, no. lona: american purpose and then went on my labs, my dream to ride there and meet other great vill wri
not when it comes to her lifelong dream. closing jaime walker, i met a few friends and told them i wanted to ride with them to get him. and he said, if i wanted, i could come with them on the weekend. they took me along and i rode a cath, i knew how to fix the spurs to thought so they helped me and put the chaps on me the best and everything around. one day i sat on the calf with no idea where to put the spurs land or how to hold on. but they showed me that to about us in the local balls. i am...
Apr 27, 2023
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miguel barragÁn y jaime gonzÁlez encuentran detenidos en la cÁrcel del condado santa clara bajo acusacionescontra el local mientras escapaban. visitamos el lugar del robo, pero los trabajadores no quisieron hablar por temor a represalias. nos informaron que compartieron con la policÍa imÁgenes de las cÁmaras de vigilancia de sus establecimientos comerciales. una mujer descendiÓ en bikini de un camiÓn de bomberos e ingresÓ en un club no —— nudista y los bomberos fueron sancionados. no se ha presentado una rÉplica sobre las acciones. investigamos caso de una seÑora que comprÓ un coche por internet y se llevÓ tremenda sorpresa. >> a veces deba un poco para atrÁs. no alina un poco para atrÁs. no alina reportera: este no es el Único problema de silvia. —— reportera: este no es el Único cinco —— Único problema de silvia. >> un control de emisiones aprobado, el tÍtulo de la camioneta y mÁs. >> fui a verla, fui a chequear la y en el pedacito que la corrÍ, se oyÓ. reportera: se dio cuenta que la camioneta no sÓlo no pasaba los chequeos, sino que no tenÍa catalizador y que habÍa sido declarada perdid
miguel barragÁn y jaime gonzÁlez encuentran detenidos en la cÁrcel del condado santa clara bajo acusacionescontra el local mientras escapaban. visitamos el lugar del robo, pero los trabajadores no quisieron hablar por temor a represalias. nos informaron que compartieron con la policÍa imÁgenes de las cÁmaras de vigilancia de sus establecimientos comerciales. una mujer descendiÓ en bikini de un camiÓn de bomberos e ingresÓ en un club no —— nudista y los bomberos fueron sancionados....
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menu on jaime helena with a controlled or still show that it was that because our country of gunnison is facing this problem, there is no doubt that of canister is trying and doing its best to procure anti aircraft missiles, but also on the seller the se that hello, she has a washer and dryer me not for more context is graeme smith, senior consultant of gone, is done with the international crisis group, think tank and all sort of the book. the dogs are eating them. now are war in afghanistan, mrs. smith, why is of god has done a country coping with record levels of hunger and poverty investing the largest share of its budget in its military? we'd have to ask the taliban, but if i were to guess it's because of kenneth standards recovering from the deadliest war on planet earth. it was a war that displaced hundreds of thousands of people annually and killed upwards of 40050000 people year. and so in that case, eric aftermath, the taliban, have been trying very hard to establish security. and by all accounts, they have succeeded. humanitarians now say they can reach the furthest district
menu on jaime helena with a controlled or still show that it was that because our country of gunnison is facing this problem, there is no doubt that of canister is trying and doing its best to procure anti aircraft missiles, but also on the seller the se that hello, she has a washer and dryer me not for more context is graeme smith, senior consultant of gone, is done with the international crisis group, think tank and all sort of the book. the dogs are eating them. now are war in afghanistan,...
Apr 15, 2023
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and he sent a voice note to my manager, jaime he said, "jaime, you got to put my mom together with bizarrapnking about the collaboration between shakira and me, but i didn't know how to reach her because she's - >> jimmy: she's shakira. >> she's a superstar >> jimmy: you have to put a light up in the sky, and hope that shakira swings in she's a superhero. >> by that time, i think it was july of the past year, 2022. and i had, at that moment, i had the number one global song with quevedo he's a guy from spain. >> i love that song. it's amazing >> and i thought, like, this is a moment to send her - >> jimmy: to introduce yourself to shakira >> yeah. >> he dm'd me. >> jimmy: you slid into her dms? >> yeah. [ laughter ] but i didn't see his until, like, three months later i don't know why >> yeah, one or two months later. and i remember it was -- >> jimmy: you made him wait two months [ laughter ] >> yeah, it wasn't on purpose. >> jimmy: we don't answer every dm back. >> yeah, of course >> jimmy: she's shakira. >> and it was august, i remember because it was my birthday, and i -- we were in the
and he sent a voice note to my manager, jaime he said, "jaime, you got to put my mom together with bizarrapnking about the collaboration between shakira and me, but i didn't know how to reach her because she's - >> jimmy: she's shakira. >> she's a superstar >> jimmy: you have to put a light up in the sky, and hope that shakira swings in she's a superhero. >> by that time, i think it was july of the past year, 2022. and i had, at that moment, i had the number one...
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she wouldn't easiest nash door. ethel if you're not so blank only one glee from seeking understands jaime. ah ah ah should i bring it to you by shred border by stretching a bush name. oh, and then bidding, would he keep dina this year that i am was aware of what he needs but he can get him up. what you're good. i need some to share with them what. what if he needs to watch new stuff to each mission? viejo, which he works with. one of the most of them is richard dustin. but i need to sit i'm remember it would have been watching shows. mentioned it was your mom was purpose with left brain. yes. wake up that i see was which nicholas he is much hearing me by read each year with them. are you putting it, washing your stucky severing it's by law fulford them the almost every month yet i was told with the steel olympiads in the balcony, weiss cannot nato's air power alone cannot prevent further ser aggressions or advances or silence every gun in the military expert will tell you that the bull said that it's indian or beast foremost when a man what is that just in the cause i see even look into t
she wouldn't easiest nash door. ethel if you're not so blank only one glee from seeking understands jaime. ah ah ah should i bring it to you by shred border by stretching a bush name. oh, and then bidding, would he keep dina this year that i am was aware of what he needs but he can get him up. what you're good. i need some to share with them what. what if he needs to watch new stuff to each mission? viejo, which he works with. one of the most of them is richard dustin. but i need to sit i'm...
Apr 20, 2023
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let me cut that one more way when jaime was born, there were 200 million weapons in america and at thats were about 1.5% of weapons sold today, they're 25% of weapons sold america has been conned. we were told lies by a lobby that told everyone more guns makes you safer. the problem is there is no requirement for safety along the way. and we now have guns in the hands of far too many people who shouldn't have them and making a mistake in america is now deadly it is the american carnage that i write about. it is deadly now >> it is you know, just listening to the numbers you're giving us, it is just -- my question, so, all right, fred, with that reality, what do you think can, could or should be done >> yeah, well, and that is the question i think, first things first, stop listening to the liars. and stop giving the legislators who unfortunately are connected to the lobby that put us in this place any say in this matter there is a lot we can do, jose red flag laws should be the law of this land we need to know that anyone who is a risk to themselves or someone else that there is a due pr
let me cut that one more way when jaime was born, there were 200 million weapons in america and at thats were about 1.5% of weapons sold today, they're 25% of weapons sold america has been conned. we were told lies by a lobby that told everyone more guns makes you safer. the problem is there is no requirement for safety along the way. and we now have guns in the hands of far too many people who shouldn't have them and making a mistake in america is now deadly it is the american carnage that i...
Apr 12, 2023
eye 107
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jaime camil estarÁ en la serie acapulco producida por eugenio derbez el actor mexicano serÁ alejandrolennonnombre en inglÉs) ariah carey >>> mencionas y son clÁsicos >>> sÍ >>> felicidades a daddy yankee >>> eso sÍ tremendo detalles >>> eso sÍ tremendo detalles >>> tenemos u un soy alfofonso albaisisa, jefe glolobal de disiseño enen nissan. y y aqompepemos soy alfofonso albaisisa, totodos los momoldes. parara diseñar p pickups insnsps en l la fuerza d de un gladidia. o unun auto depoportivo inspspo en una espspada samurarai. y unun vehículo o eléctricoo inspirirado enen atardecereres electririza. en nissasan nos atrerevemos a diseñañar autos únúnicos, para que c cada milla a sea emocionantnte. un $3 brbreakfast dedeal con.. sausage, egg & swswiss croissssant! s. no... no, nono, no... i i meant to s say bacon,, egg & & swiss croioissant! yeah. wawatch this..... small l seasoned p potatoes. ¿eso no v viene con e el dea? yeyes. elige e bien. eligige $3 breakfast t deal de wewendy'. tu disququera va a l llegar le. aún n sin tu ingngeniero de sonidido. nenecesitas cocontratar. necesisito i
jaime camil estarÁ en la serie acapulco producida por eugenio derbez el actor mexicano serÁ alejandrolennonnombre en inglÉs) ariah carey >>> mencionas y son clÁsicos >>> sÍ >>> felicidades a daddy yankee >>> eso sÍ tremendo detalles >>> eso sÍ tremendo detalles >>> tenemos u un soy alfofonso albaisisa, jefe glolobal de disiseño enen nissan. y y aqompepemos soy alfofonso albaisisa, totodos los momoldes. parara diseñar p pickups...
Apr 23, 2023
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¿"al jaimes"? beto: ¿yo? albertano: pues sí.les noticias. abandonada viva, muriÓ bionce amaya cortez, la joven residente de texas que perdiÓ la vida en mÉxico. un responsable estÁ detenido. nueva jornada violenta en washington dc en los tiroteos relacionados y donde resultaron heridas a ocho personas, incluyendo una niÑa de 12 aÑos. para combatir el mercado negro de la marihuana en california, autoridades clausuraron en la semana nueve dispensarios ilegales en la ciudad de compton. fÉlix: buenas noches. autoridades en mÉxico detuvieron a un hombre relacionado con el caso de la muerte de bionce amaya cortez, la joven que vivÍa en texas y que muriÓ cuando estaba de vacaciones en mÉxico. las autoridades dicen que personas cercanas a ella la abandonaron, cuando todavÍa estaba viva. reportera: ya fue detenido uno de los responsables de la muerte de bionce amaya cortez, esta joven mexicana con residencia en texas y que fue encontrada hace una semana sin vida en el interior de un rancho en general bravo, nuevo leÓn. se trata de martÍn
¿"al jaimes"? beto: ¿yo? albertano: pues sí.les noticias. abandonada viva, muriÓ bionce amaya cortez, la joven residente de texas que perdiÓ la vida en mÉxico. un responsable estÁ detenido. nueva jornada violenta en washington dc en los tiroteos relacionados y donde resultaron heridas a ocho personas, incluyendo una niÑa de 12 aÑos. para combatir el mercado negro de la marihuana en california, autoridades clausuraron en la semana nueve dispensarios ilegales en la ciudad de...
Apr 4, 2023
eye 266
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jaime: se va a lo elÉctrico.tedes que pueden usar para que puedan tener su propia empresa y aporten a la economÍa de este paÍs. nuestra querida ana patricia va a hablar del tema. ana: tener tu propio negocio, generar dinero es muy fÁcil. francisca: dinos acerca de la persona que tiene preguntas acerca de cÓmo lanzarse a este mundo de los negocios. >> soy mexicana y hace apenas tres aÑos lleguÉ a texas a vivir. hace un aÑo apenas empecÉ a trabajar en un salÓn de belleza como recepcionista pero me ha interesado mucho el Área y he visto por mis compaÑeras que es un trabajo muy agradable, me gustarÍa aprender mÁs, quÉ me recomiendan? ana: todos lo queremos tener un buen negocio, todos buscamos mejorar nuestra calidad de vida para nosotros verane tres familia. tengo tres consejos, el primero. ya que estÁs ahÍ en este lugar absorbe todos los conocimientos que puedas en el salÓn. aprende de tus compaÑeras, pregunta mucho que eso es super importante. estudiar y aprender ese oficio. por eso te quiero hablar de aprende que
jaime: se va a lo elÉctrico.tedes que pueden usar para que puedan tener su propia empresa y aporten a la economÍa de este paÍs. nuestra querida ana patricia va a hablar del tema. ana: tener tu propio negocio, generar dinero es muy fÁcil. francisca: dinos acerca de la persona que tiene preguntas acerca de cÓmo lanzarse a este mundo de los negocios. >> soy mexicana y hace apenas tres aÑos lleguÉ a texas a vivir. hace un aÑo apenas empecÉ a trabajar en un salÓn de belleza como...
eye 24
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you really want glee frenzy sitting on the step jaime. ah ah ah, what he's got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy confrontation, let it be an arms race is on very dramatic development. only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very difficult time. time to sit down and talk ah ah ah with with a rec center and i'm here to play with you whatever you do, do not watch my your show. certainly why watch something that's so different. my little opinion that you won't get anywhere else. welcome, but please if you have the state department, the cia weapon makers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations, to your fax for you, go ahead. i change and whatever you do. don't watch my show stay mainstream because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called direct impact, but again, you probably don't want to watch it because it might just change the wayne thing rebooting it's new, partially water, by stretching the moist name. and then bidding woody you dina. this year i w
you really want glee frenzy sitting on the step jaime. ah ah ah, what he's got to do is identify the threats that we have. it's crazy confrontation, let it be an arms race is on very dramatic development. only personally and getting to resist. i don't see how that strategy will be successful, very difficult time. time to sit down and talk ah ah ah with with a rec center and i'm here to play with you whatever you do, do not watch my your show. certainly why watch something that's so different....
eye 17
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moving a bullet one year with a plan, usually one glee from see under step jaime, for ah, by the middle of the 19th century, practically the whole of india had been under the rule of the british empire. the colonial authorities had imposed that heavy death bringing the people into poverty and were exporting natural resources. and moreover, these authorities absolutely had no consideration for the provisions of the local population, treating them like 2nd class citizens. the british were showing signs of disrespect even to those who cooperated with them. the fact of ignoring the religious beliefs of the hindus led them. you'd never see boys mercenary soldiers serving under the british crown. rebellion began on the 10th of may 1857 in the garrison town of may river, north of india. in the form of a mutiny. the rebels quickly took over daily. the heroic resistance of the indian people lasted for one and a half years. however, the forces were not equal. the colonial authorities dealt with the rebels cruelly thin slaves. the boys were tied to the mouth of the cannon and were shot right throu
moving a bullet one year with a plan, usually one glee from see under step jaime, for ah, by the middle of the 19th century, practically the whole of india had been under the rule of the british empire. the colonial authorities had imposed that heavy death bringing the people into poverty and were exporting natural resources. and moreover, these authorities absolutely had no consideration for the provisions of the local population, treating them like 2nd class citizens. the british were showing...
eye 24
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usually one glee from see you said you understood jaime ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah with ah with okay defense secretary ben wallace recently said i'm optimistic between this year and the next year. i think ukraine will continue to have the momentum with it and a position of strength. he also said there is no magic one moment when russia collapses, in what universe is wallace reside? look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by human beings, except where such order is a conflict with the 1st law show your identification. we should be very careful about personal intelligence at that point, obviously is to trust rather than a job with artificial intelligence. real, somebody with a robot must protect its own existence with everybody. it's a new bar, shred water bust, which named bush near the building. woody you geena this year. i was aware of what he needed but he can deal with it with their several or team working with one of them that there was a speech. it just remember it would have been with your mom. i spoke with a switch
usually one glee from see you said you understood jaime ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah with ah with okay defense secretary ben wallace recently said i'm optimistic between this year and the next year. i think ukraine will continue to have the momentum with it and a position of strength. he also said there is no magic one moment when russia collapses, in what universe is wallace reside? look forward to talking to you all. that technology should work for people. a robot must obey the orders given by...
eye 22
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you're not so blank really one glare francie sitting under seth jaime. ah, during the 2nd world war in nazi occupied poland valencia was a farming region. today is part of ukraine. between 19431945 members of the ukrainian insurgent army led by step on bendara. nasa could thousands of polls and valeria in a diabolical ethnic cleansing process. the mergers were particularly horrific and brutal villages were burned and property looted. the valinda massacre is without doubt one of the bloodiest episodes in polish ukrainian history. why are ukrainian politicians still reluctant to talk about these events? how to modern day ukraine and poland view this tragedy of the past? and why does the memory of valeria still divide people? ah, welcome to the program. it's just before 1 o'clock in the morning here in moscow were following the russian foreign minister survey la rob as he is now in nicaragua . so late a stop on his latin american tour. right now. he's giving a press conference, blissful cnn directly for assist you involved in an emotional, deepening the cor
you're not so blank really one glare francie sitting under seth jaime. ah, during the 2nd world war in nazi occupied poland valencia was a farming region. today is part of ukraine. between 19431945 members of the ukrainian insurgent army led by step on bendara. nasa could thousands of polls and valeria in a diabolical ethnic cleansing process. the mergers were particularly horrific and brutal villages were burned and property looted. the valinda massacre is without doubt one of the bloodiest...
Apr 11, 2023
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they include one, taiwan design, good china barnaby. lo has more now from manila, this jaime here. the international community definitely will be watching closely these ballot them exercises as they're coming off right off the bat of 3 days of military rules by china in the taiwan strait in response to taiwan. president hygiene was visit to the us also later today a 2 plus 2 ministerial meeting between the philippines and the u. s. in washington, d. c. on monday, a u. s. worship sailed near the miss. cheap breed where china had built a manmade island. but this area is very close to the philippines. so a lot happening in this region, definitely heightened tension so you can understand how these exercises could be seen as provocative. but keep in mind that these exercises are an annual exercises and they have been planned for months and months. still. timing here is very significant to scale. also very significant. 17000 troops, 5000 from the philippines, pop 1000 from the u. s. and other 100 or so from australia as well as observers from other regional allies, all participating in t
they include one, taiwan design, good china barnaby. lo has more now from manila, this jaime here. the international community definitely will be watching closely these ballot them exercises as they're coming off right off the bat of 3 days of military rules by china in the taiwan strait in response to taiwan. president hygiene was visit to the us also later today a 2 plus 2 ministerial meeting between the philippines and the u. s. in washington, d. c. on monday, a u. s. worship sailed near the...
eye 22
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wouldn't easiest nash thought. ethel, i've got so blanket really one glee. francie sitting under steph. jaime with ah, lisa canter. russian state total narrative. i've stayed as i phone and the most landscape diva jingles house not meet equal in the 55 we did. okay, so mine is 2000 speedy. one else with we will ban in the european union, the kremlin media machine, the state aunt, rush up to date and school r t spoke neck. given our video agency, roughly all band on youtube said with the term strategic autonomy sounds good. the word strategic conjures up a sense of importance and autonomy presents a sense of independence. but when you consider the french president using this term, then we are forced to wonder if he is a serious person. after all, europe is no longer strategic or autonomy rebooting. it's a new bar shred, morris, by stretching the moist name and then bidding woody you, deena, this year 3 on was a 14 percent. but he can deal with with several or teen version with one of them. that there was a speech. just remember, it would have been watching with your mom. i spoke with a switch.
wouldn't easiest nash thought. ethel, i've got so blanket really one glee. francie sitting under steph. jaime with ah, lisa canter. russian state total narrative. i've stayed as i phone and the most landscape diva jingles house not meet equal in the 55 we did. okay, so mine is 2000 speedy. one else with we will ban in the european union, the kremlin media machine, the state aunt, rush up to date and school r t spoke neck. given our video agency, roughly all band on youtube said with the term...
eye 28
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wouldn't easiest nash thought it'll appear to plan you really want glee from see you said you understood jaime ah ah ah ah ah ah a ah with a mirror plane with you whatever you do you do not watch my new show. certainly why watch something that's so different. my little opinion that you won't get anywhere else working with please or do you have the state department, the cia weapons makers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations, choose your fax for you. go ahead, change and whatever you don't watch my show, stay mainstream, because i'm probably going to make you uncomfortable. my show is called direction, but again, we don't want to watch it because it might just changing the way a new bar, shred water, by stretch name, busch, name ok. and then bidding woody you dina. this year i was aware of what he needed. but he can deal with it with each mission. there are several what version with one of them that there was a speech. just remember the good of, you know, with your mom i spoke with the sake of that actually was switch. nicholas. he is not showing me being reduced here with him when you're putt
wouldn't easiest nash thought it'll appear to plan you really want glee from see you said you understood jaime ah ah ah ah ah ah a ah with a mirror plane with you whatever you do you do not watch my new show. certainly why watch something that's so different. my little opinion that you won't get anywhere else working with please or do you have the state department, the cia weapons makers, multi 1000000000 dollar corporations, choose your fax for you. go ahead, change and whatever you don't...
eye 16
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wouldn't easiest nash door. ethel, i've got so blanket really one glee from see you see, you understand, jaime, with citibank it in your partially water by stretch named moist name. oh, maybe the movie you dina. this is going on with a pretty good deal with them or what if you need to work most of the each mission viejo chain version with one of the most of them is richard. just the but i need to say, i'm remember, it would have been, you're watching briefly with your mom. i spoke with lebron yesterday. that actually was switch nicholas. he is not showing me being reduced here with him when you're putting it, washington stuckey stepping. it's that bella pulver them almost every month. yes i was told with the steel olympiads in the balcony, weiss cannot nato's air power alone cannot prevent further ser aggressions or advances or silence every gun in the military expert will tell you that the bullet said that it's indian or beast foremost with them on what is that isn't that because i see it above even look at her and she is silly. yours an issue. but if you're off get courses that everything it
wouldn't easiest nash door. ethel, i've got so blanket really one glee from see you see, you understand, jaime, with citibank it in your partially water by stretch named moist name. oh, maybe the movie you dina. this is going on with a pretty good deal with them or what if you need to work most of the each mission viejo chain version with one of the most of them is richard. just the but i need to say, i'm remember, it would have been, you're watching briefly with your mom. i spoke with lebron...
Apr 11, 2023
eye 26
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but still, jaime here is very significant, and as you mentioned, to scale, also very significant, 17005000 from the philippines of 1000, from the u. s. and other 100 or so from australia as well as observers from other regional allies, all participating in these ballot then exercises. also for the 1st time life fire exercises at seats in the south china sea of the province of some ballast in the northern philippines. there will be a simulation of the sinking of a decommissioned ship, which will serve as a market enemy ship. so again, the significance here, the timing, the scale sa hill, of course i just saw international views. barnaby. we had to remind them that the philippines was once a colony of a colonial power. i. e, the usaa relationship and the connections are deep and historical. so there's always a controversial, perhaps a reaction from local people as to the type of relationship these 2 country should have and the depth of the military association that they have. that's right. so hail ha. in fact, there were protests earlier. it's quite right now, but there were dozens of protes
but still, jaime here is very significant, and as you mentioned, to scale, also very significant, 17005000 from the philippines of 1000, from the u. s. and other 100 or so from australia as well as observers from other regional allies, all participating in these ballot then exercises. also for the 1st time life fire exercises at seats in the south china sea of the province of some ballast in the northern philippines. there will be a simulation of the sinking of a decommissioned ship, which will...
eye 20
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she wouldn't easiest nash, thor eco, get out so blanket really, wildly. francie sitting under steph, jaime ah, need to come to the russian state little narrative. i've stayed as i phone and ignore santini div, asking him the american house southland summit for me could been assisted by vin. okay, so mine is 25 was needing help with we will van in the european union, the kremlin media machine restate on russia to date and school r t sputnik given our video agency, roughly all band on youtube and pinterest and with comment was indicative electricity. with during the 2nd world war in nazi occupied, poland, virginia was a farming region. today is part of ukraine. between 19431945 members of the ukrainian insurgent army, led by step on bendara. nasa could thousands of poles and valeria in a diabolical ethnic cleansing process. the murders were particularly horrific and brutal villages were burned and property looted the bellini. a massacre is without doubt, one of the bloodiest episodes in polish ukrainian history. why are ukrainian politicians still lockton to talk about these events? how to m
she wouldn't easiest nash, thor eco, get out so blanket really, wildly. francie sitting under steph, jaime ah, need to come to the russian state little narrative. i've stayed as i phone and ignore santini div, asking him the american house southland summit for me could been assisted by vin. okay, so mine is 25 was needing help with we will van in the european union, the kremlin media machine restate on russia to date and school r t sputnik given our video agency, roughly all band on youtube and...
eye 30
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wouldn't easiest nash door. ethel if you're not so blank only one glee from see you see under seth jaime. ah, for generations, people have been coming here to case of odds to get healthy, taking advantage of the mineral waters and the fresh air. today the city is at the forefront of cutting edge research, helping athletes, not by utilizing that area, but by depriving them from it. today we are speaking to the head of the innovation center of the russian olympic committee, world renown trainer, alexander christian. when i was showing wrong, when i was just a to see out these days because of the applicant and engagement, it was the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look so common ground. a new partially water by stretching a bush name. and then building woody you dina, this is going on. was the last of what did he need to push it, but he can get him up with them. what if the me at the residence at the east mission viejo cheap version? come and get that. you go to them that they're most of them is richard just said, i'm not. it would have been, you know, watchin
wouldn't easiest nash door. ethel if you're not so blank only one glee from see you see under seth jaime. ah, for generations, people have been coming here to case of odds to get healthy, taking advantage of the mineral waters and the fresh air. today the city is at the forefront of cutting edge research, helping athletes, not by utilizing that area, but by depriving them from it. today we are speaking to the head of the innovation center of the russian olympic committee, world renown trainer,...
Apr 24, 2023
eye 422
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embassy and the rush to get more foreign citizens out of the country. >>> then jaime foxx.d away over the weekend. we will honor his life and legacy straight ahead. >>> and welcome home our very own jenna bush hage joined families to welcome back sailers named after the aircraft carrier named after her grandfather. >> how does it feel to be back with them? >> it feels wonderful. it was a long time coming. >> she will tell us all about the emotional homecoming today, monday, april 24th, 2023 ♪ >> starting off the week from nashville, tennessee. >> illinois. >> st. louis, missouri >> and barcelona state. >> on a girls' trip from washington, d.c. ♪ >> from texas. >> it's my 15th birthday. >> from lakeland, tennessee. >> on a mother-daughter trip. >> surprised my beautiful mom. >> and celebrating my 65th birthday. >> from dallas ♪ >> and good morning, everybody welcome back to "today." nice to have you with us on a monday morning let's get back to your news. more than 16,000 americans are stuck in sudan a country whose capital city is spiraling into chaos nbc's richard engel jo
embassy and the rush to get more foreign citizens out of the country. >>> then jaime foxx.d away over the weekend. we will honor his life and legacy straight ahead. >>> and welcome home our very own jenna bush hage joined families to welcome back sailers named after the aircraft carrier named after her grandfather. >> how does it feel to be back with them? >> it feels wonderful. it was a long time coming. >> she will tell us all about the emotional homecoming...
Apr 14, 2023
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swedish organization for so many g as i'm most of the people outside columbia, belief that this is jaime showed well above medical sir. and the frame illegal economy. and the solution to all of that is just so, you know, and our 5 day legal economy service agreement, i'll economies they point here is that we don't have the same conflict that another colon please with not of course we, they are on army, maybe the bus but where you now we have been that of course in one place, we have out of met groups, sally, the vial inserted. so basically all the groups go really far, many tardies primary army groups are sally like a therapy. so bio list and perfection. so i personally know some michael leak and i am from the same region. so what is the point with that? this is a pretty good case to explain their socio and the there's, and the by mentor be there's, are again, you know, some kind of condemnation. so people who are constantly may think they are not taking no direct leaders, they hire some group or de, give money to some group. and that group for us in the region. this is a petroleum regio
swedish organization for so many g as i'm most of the people outside columbia, belief that this is jaime showed well above medical sir. and the frame illegal economy. and the solution to all of that is just so, you know, and our 5 day legal economy service agreement, i'll economies they point here is that we don't have the same conflict that another colon please with not of course we, they are on army, maybe the bus but where you now we have been that of course in one place, we have out of met...
Apr 23, 2023
eye 21
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the only way out of this, the foundation of this whole, jaime discussion is a scientific one. and then politicians have to take action based on the science. the topic of g o engineering was just brushed on, that's an extremely important topic, very sensitive one going forward. so the, the, the science really is the key to this because we're seeing that solar and wind energy coming down in price me coming affordable where we're lacking is in carbon capture technology as we see, to go to carbon neutrality by 2040. i really think carbon capture is something we all need to focus on because that can solve a large part of the problem. and without that technology, which we currently don't have. but we can get to. we are in some on thursday. i'm going to come to you, andrew in just a sec. david cobb and capture is a new term on me. it's not something i really understand. i'm sure it's not something you're already into understand quick very quickly. what is it? carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. and the question is, can you draw back down? so we put in some 80, giga tons a year, some
the only way out of this, the foundation of this whole, jaime discussion is a scientific one. and then politicians have to take action based on the science. the topic of g o engineering was just brushed on, that's an extremely important topic, very sensitive one going forward. so the, the, the science really is the key to this because we're seeing that solar and wind energy coming down in price me coming affordable where we're lacking is in carbon capture technology as we see, to go to carbon...
Apr 11, 2023
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manila, these exercises are an annual exercises, and they have been planned for months and months. jaime, here is very significant, and as you mentioned, to scale, also very significant. 17000 true, 5000 for the philippines, while 1000 from the u. s. another 100 or so from a trailer, as well as observers from other regional allies, all participating in the follicle. an exercise is also for the 1st time life fire exercise at the, in the south trying to see north korea me to kim jogan is called for his country's war deterrents to become more offensive in nature. attentions increased with south korea and the u. s. state media has released picture showing the leader kim jong and pointed areas in south korea on a map during a military meeting. pentagon officials say the release of top secret military intelligence posted on social media poses a serious risk to us security. they say the documents were formatted in a similar fashion to updates given to senior leaders. and some of the images appear to have been altered. we're taking this very, very seriously, there is no excuse for these kinds of
manila, these exercises are an annual exercises, and they have been planned for months and months. jaime, here is very significant, and as you mentioned, to scale, also very significant. 17000 true, 5000 for the philippines, while 1000 from the u. s. another 100 or so from a trailer, as well as observers from other regional allies, all participating in the follicle. an exercise is also for the 1st time life fire exercise at the, in the south trying to see north korea me to kim jogan is called...
Apr 13, 2023
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including high -- jaime navarro. >> thanks to the holding, the whole staff team -- the whole team, the whole staff team, i am able to hold down a job now. i'm real grateful for that, you know? reporter: success stories the city hopes there are more of as new sites open up. with even more projects on the way, city leaders see the community has bought into the idea of finding solutions to the housing crisis to help all residents of san jose. >> today, you don't see people here complaining with signs saying they don't want this to happen. i think largely, they've discovered what we've discovered as a city and that is that this is -- we are ready crisis level here and we need to do something and doing nothing just is not an option anymore. kristen: one of the nation's first asian-american bookstores is closing tomorrow after 41 years in business. east wind books in berkeley also served as a publisher for generations of asian-american writers, activists, and academics. it will continue to sell some books online. larry: needed just today related to california's drought. after all the rain we
including high -- jaime navarro. >> thanks to the holding, the whole staff team -- the whole team, the whole staff team, i am able to hold down a job now. i'm real grateful for that, you know? reporter: success stories the city hopes there are more of as new sites open up. with even more projects on the way, city leaders see the community has bought into the idea of finding solutions to the housing crisis to help all residents of san jose. >> today, you don't see people here...
Apr 19, 2023
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now jaime, on that you're starting with nannie williams said, what should i am looking for? chevy dealers at the body. gotcha. paso could just kinda it all. me said they don't . ha, ha, ha, says cit. daily foss. vcr doodle, a. isla, they're quite dorgan idiocy foss. keena, was it bad? the distinction community? got any boys who knew there and if, although sit close it, so good a how me on it is the capacity in know the need. rene community a fasting blood chair. yarger sh marcia. hey maroni bus. well, i yawn. i santa are no way be my is freon for while i assess and what is the last gary bow can muscle. oh, which limine generally have block them? ah, general elections in newly independent lebanon took place in may. 1947 voters chose 55 members of parliament, elected under the country's political system of religious quotas. for every 5 muslim nps, there were to be 6 christian ones. many people protested claiming that the election was rigged, and that the parliament would therefore be illegitimate. but a year later, the new parliament changed the constitution and extended bette
now jaime, on that you're starting with nannie williams said, what should i am looking for? chevy dealers at the body. gotcha. paso could just kinda it all. me said they don't . ha, ha, ha, says cit. daily foss. vcr doodle, a. isla, they're quite dorgan idiocy foss. keena, was it bad? the distinction community? got any boys who knew there and if, although sit close it, so good a how me on it is the capacity in know the need. rene community a fasting blood chair. yarger sh marcia. hey maroni...
Apr 7, 2023
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and then this morning i went to the cemetery to visit jaime. and jared's on this interview.nd for those who have followed our story, you know i consider jared one of my closest friends. but that happened because of gun violence jared called me, not knowing i was at the cemetery. and so we spoke for a brief minute it's where i had to go to get grounded, to get refocused, to get centered because at the end of the day it is always about the victims of gun violence i am over any feelings of sadness for myself but i want to say this about tennessee. and to the racists who serve in that state who have been peddling a series of lies over what they think about democracy, what they think about guns, and clearly now what they think about victims of gun violence. because what's amazing is they skipped right over the thoughts and prayers part it didn't even exist after this they went right to the bull hit o shit, excuse me language and so i really am furious.it shit, excuse me language and so i really am furious.t shit, excuse me language and so i really am furious. shit, excuse me lang
and then this morning i went to the cemetery to visit jaime. and jared's on this interview.nd for those who have followed our story, you know i consider jared one of my closest friends. but that happened because of gun violence jared called me, not knowing i was at the cemetery. and so we spoke for a brief minute it's where i had to go to get grounded, to get refocused, to get centered because at the end of the day it is always about the victims of gun violence i am over any feelings of sadness...
Apr 25, 2023
eye 23
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now hes by sat, wasn't behind my dan hobby now. jaime, on the distorting of nanny, william asa said, what should i am looking for jabber devoted the body. gotcha. paso cru, ruskie the hall to laura homey. said they don't tell me, process it, they leave hospital, you level a isla, they're quite the organ is the force he knew was it, but the distinction community got any boys who knew at their and if, although sick concept. so good. a homie who wanted to use the capacity in know the lead to ne covina. there is a fasting blood chair, yarger sh muzzy, a hate model on the bus. well, i, yom has santa and no way be my israel for a while. it a says son, what had the law scary bow jen muscle. oh, it was limine generally have more than oh, general elections in newly independent lebanon took place in may. 1947 voters chose 55 members of parliament, elected under the country's political system of religious quotas. for every 5 muslim nps, there were to be 6 christian ones. many people protested claiming that the election was rigged, and that the parliament would therefore be illegitimate. but a y
now hes by sat, wasn't behind my dan hobby now. jaime, on the distorting of nanny, william asa said, what should i am looking for jabber devoted the body. gotcha. paso cru, ruskie the hall to laura homey. said they don't tell me, process it, they leave hospital, you level a isla, they're quite the organ is the force he knew was it, but the distinction community got any boys who knew at their and if, although sick concept. so good. a homie who wanted to use the capacity in know the lead to ne...
Apr 18, 2023
eye 42
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now, but you know, has, by that wasn't that be how my sister jan, how they know jaime, and restoring with nanny williams said, well, should i am the parent for chevy? you looked at the body. gotcha. paso could just keep you home to laura how me said they don't know how many horses said they, they thought vcr, dutiful, isla, quite the organ is, is the force he knew? was it bad? the distinction community got to do the boy who knew there? and if, although said, conceptual good, a homie wanted to use the capacity in know the need. rene community is f, as in boy chip, yarger. sh marcia, hate maroni bus. well, i, yom has santa and no way be my israel for a while. i assess and what had the last gary bow jen muscle? oh, it was limine generally have more ah, general elections in newly independent lebanon took place in may. 1947 voters chose 55 members of parliament, elected under the country's political system of religious quotas. for every 5 muslim n p's, there were to be 6 christian ones. many people protested claiming that the election was rigged, and that the parliament would therefore be
now, but you know, has, by that wasn't that be how my sister jan, how they know jaime, and restoring with nanny williams said, well, should i am the parent for chevy? you looked at the body. gotcha. paso could just keep you home to laura how me said they don't know how many horses said they, they thought vcr, dutiful, isla, quite the organ is, is the force he knew? was it bad? the distinction community got to do the boy who knew there? and if, although said, conceptual good, a homie wanted to...
Apr 21, 2023
eye 35
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now jaime, and distorting of nanny lenimosa said, what should i am applying for a chevy devoted the body. gotcha. paso could just kinda an army, said they don't. ha, ha, says cit. daily foss, vcr, dutiful e la luke white dog, and it's a false keynote because it, but the distinction community caught, did you, boyd vignette there. and if, although sick concept, so good a, how me on it sees the capacity in no lead lead to ne covina. there is a fasting blood chair. yarger sh marcia, hate maroni. best. well i all. i santa are no way be my is freon for a while. i assess sun water in the last garry bow again muscle. oh, which limine generally have block them? o general elections in newly independent lebanon took place in may. 1947. voters chose 55 members of parliament, elected under the country's political system of religious quotas. for every 5 muslim nps, there were to be 6 christian ones. many people protested claiming that the election was rigged, and that the parliament would therefore be illegitimate. but a year later, the new parliament changed the constitution and extended better al ho
now jaime, and distorting of nanny lenimosa said, what should i am applying for a chevy devoted the body. gotcha. paso could just kinda an army, said they don't. ha, ha, says cit. daily foss, vcr, dutiful e la luke white dog, and it's a false keynote because it, but the distinction community caught, did you, boyd vignette there. and if, although sick concept, so good a, how me on it sees the capacity in no lead lead to ne covina. there is a fasting blood chair. yarger sh marcia, hate maroni....
Apr 20, 2023
eye 34
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hardly know jaime, on the distorting nanny williams said, what should i am looking for chevy dealer to buy gotcha paso crew. just keep you home to laura, how me said they don't. ha, ha, says cit. daily foss, vcr, dutiful, isla, could void the organ idiocy foss. kinda proceed, but the distinction community got new boy who knew there and if, although sick concept. so good, a homie wanted to use the capacity in know the lead to ne community, a fasting blood chair. yarger sh, marcia, hate maroni. best. well, i, yom has santa and no way be my israel for a while. i assess and what is the last scary bow can mcclure? oh, well it was limine generally have more ah, general elections in newly independent lebanon took place in may. 1947 voters chose 55 members of parliament, elected under the country's political system of religious quotas. for every 5 muslim nps, there were to be 6 christian ones. many people protested claiming that the election was rigged, and that the parliament would therefore be illegitimate. but a year later, the new parliament changed the constitution and extended better al
hardly know jaime, on the distorting nanny williams said, what should i am looking for chevy dealer to buy gotcha paso crew. just keep you home to laura, how me said they don't. ha, ha, says cit. daily foss, vcr, dutiful, isla, could void the organ idiocy foss. kinda proceed, but the distinction community got new boy who knew there and if, although sick concept. so good, a homie wanted to use the capacity in know the lead to ne community, a fasting blood chair. yarger sh, marcia, hate maroni....
Apr 23, 2023
eye 25
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now jaime, on the distorting of nannie william asa said, what should i end up running for chevy dealership? i gotcha. but so could ask your holsted order. how me said they don't. ha, ha, ha, says cit. daily foss, vcr dutiful e law, they're quite dorgan idiocy foss. keena pretty bad. the distinction community got any boys who knew at their and if, although sick concept. so good a how me wanted to use the capacity in know the need. rene community, a fasting blood chair, yarger sh marcia. hey maroni bus one. are you all? i santa are no way be my israel for why let a says sun, what are you the last gary bow can muscles. oh, well, it will slip mean gen rehab book that m o general elections in newly independent lebanon took place in may. 1947. voters chose 55 members of parliament, elected under the country's political system of religious quotas. for every 5 muslim n p's, there were to be 6 christian ones. many people protested claiming that the election was rigged, and that the parliament would therefore be illegitimate. but a year later, the new parliament changed the constitution and extended
now jaime, on the distorting of nannie william asa said, what should i end up running for chevy dealership? i gotcha. but so could ask your holsted order. how me said they don't. ha, ha, ha, says cit. daily foss, vcr dutiful e law, they're quite dorgan idiocy foss. keena pretty bad. the distinction community got any boys who knew at their and if, although sick concept. so good a how me wanted to use the capacity in know the need. rene community, a fasting blood chair, yarger sh marcia. hey...