we will show the work of one of our interns, ginnie hopper -- jaime hopper. if you of been to our website recently, you would notice we have launched our recparktv. there are a number of basically guerilla videos about what we're doing in our parks. i have a very short two to three a video for excerpt about some of the things that's been happening over the last month. i am supposed to cue the overhead. i do not know how to do that. [laughter] volume tax -- volume? it is an ode to the silent movie era. [no audio] >> so, elton, when we come back when you figure out how to get us some volume? but you get a strong sense from the video of all the things that happen in the park last month. that concludes the general manager's report. president buell: thank you. good report. >> is there any public comment on the general managers' report? seeing none, item number three is closed. item number four, general public comment up to 15 minutes. at this time, members of the public may addressed the commission at items under the jurisdiction of the commission that do not appe