. -- -- now it's the latest fall out from spears to remove her father jaime from controlling her fortuney and say, oh, conservatorships are here to help people but man, there are a thousand conservatorships that are abusive as well. she's right. she's caught up in a toxic, pun intended, legal moras, affecting more than 1.5 million americans, most disables or elderly. she rejected the request to have her father removed from his role and the following day the trust asked to be removed -- e remove- britney alleges she's being medicated against her will and forced to work, the free brit movement gained major traction this year following a "new york times" documentary. >> ladies and gentlemen, britney spears. >> when she walks down, and then passes keeps walking, keeps walking. >> doesn't say anything on stage, doesn't announce the residency she's there to announce. >> that's it, we've been waiting for the live stream and she's just walking by. >> a new piece in the "new york times", ronan farrow detail in depth how spears got into her conservatorship nightmare and a family friend that put it