. >>> jaime valdez rodriguez challenging the political elite. >> his nickname is el bronco, which roughly translates into untameable. jaime rodriguez's heroes are zorro and the lone ranger. >>> prosperous border state of nuevo leon, getting himself elected as the first ever independent governor. >> people wanted to know how we managed to defeat the system and i tell them we were characters of star wars, defeating the empire with a legion of citizens who organized. it made them more powerful than their political parties. >> a social conservative who curses and rarely takes off his cowboy boots. rodriguez belonged to mexico's most powerful and long serving party, pri for 33 years until he resigned a year ago to run as an independent. winning against all odds to take off the governor opposite office. as mayor of garcia on the outskirts of monterey, the mayor took on corrupt police with a network of citizen informants who reported criminal activities on the associate networks. >> i'm addicted to facebook. people tell me their rights to be angry. >> reporter: at his home in garcia, he shows us