their individual skill and their self-sacrifice and jairo womher the difference.onfident and proficient crews. today, we have amazing crews. you have a snapshot of your future that marched in front of you as they represent the hundreds of thousands of sailors, hundreds of thousands of marines and coast guardsmen that sail and serve around the world today with expert seamanship and aviation skills as well. sailors who are living their legacy and adapting as necessary in missions around the world. their future success and our future success depends on our ability to learn and to adapt from the historical events of our world. we must always remember those and look to them as we think about our future. for those that serve today, i want to thank you for choosing to serve. for those of you that support the families, the friends, those of you that support those that serve today, i thank you for that. behind you, over here at about what i would call the 7:00 position is a bronze sculpt and it says the navy family, those who wait also servement i commend that to you as we