. >> sreenivasan: joining me now from odessa, texas, via facetime is jake bleiberg, criminal justice and law enforcement reporter for the associated press. >> sreenivasan: thanks for being with us. this is the picture any clearer this afternoon? has there en any indication of what motivated this person do this? >> so what law enforcement isth saying as point they really don't know why this happened. it is being actively activated but we have no clues at this anint as to motive. >> sreenivnow you are joining us from college campus erat was on lockdown yesterday. how are people reacting to this? you know, it is really -- the campus itself is almost fully, at least the part that -- the smat smaller part i am is reafuy y taken over by law enforcement. there are, you know, fband texas rang the trucks filling the parking lot and, you know, this whole community is still in the midst of responding to this. there are cars still in the streetith bullet holes in their doors and, you know, it is much -- much of the spa i essa is being processed as an active crire scene. >>ivasan: this happened y