my name is jake horvitz. we have four folks here who could not be be in terms of this topic.have introductions but we're going to go fast. a formero my right, zipcar court justice and representative in the state of georgia assembly. he is really speaking in large part as an individual who has served on the special counsel for criminal justice reform for georgia starting in 2011 and he has been cochair sense 2012. next to him, julie james, senior policy of u.s. department of justice. the administers reinvestment issue but serves as .echnical assistant to my left, jody owens, of the southern poverty law center. he served on mississippi's criminal and tasks force. served on south carolina's criminal justice reform task force and now serves as the chairman of its oversight committee. we have a great view. these folks led the reform efforts in their respective states. the justiceersees reinvestment issue so i look forward to diving in. youruestion, why did states care about this? what was the reason for reform? why was it a problem to begin with? your states decided to spend time.