jake: king kong! frank-- frankenstein. it's got four syllables. he's really fat. we give up. don't know. i give up. it's impossible. it's shrek! i thought you said it was four syllables. four syllables. it is! sh-r-ek-uh. shrek. oh, my god. no, sh-- well, it's-- drown, swim! drowning bunny! jane: stag. jake: zombie! ben: drowning deer! drowning stag. drowning-- drowning fish. pigeon. drowning. finding nemo! we give up. what is it? just tell us. it's an inconvenient truth. the icebergs are melting, and a polar bear is drowning. okay, third word. tv, okay. dinosaur! dead. hit the dead! kill the dead. slap-- slap the dead. strangle-- swat the dead. shoot the dead! what's he doing? smack the dead! annoy the dead! kick the dead! waking the dead! jake: there! aaah! finally! my turn, my turn! ( jane laughing ) you ready? it's a book. karen: uh, old man with a stick shouting. angry blind man. you're right, this is definitely what christmas is about, isn't it, throwing open your home to family and friends and ex-burglars. jane: a lion, uh-- mm! with an animal... old man and his dog. j