. >> up next, booktv interviewed jake reese, the owner of alabama booksmith, during our recent visit to birmingham, alabama, as part of our cities tour examining the literary culture of eight southern cities. >> in these tough economic times, how has business been? >> i'm almost embarrassed. it's been great. we, we have a unique situation, and we're selling the product, the thing, the books. you pay your $24.95 for your book or thereabouts, and you get your entertainment, pleasure from reading it. once you get through, you have a wonderful, warm, fuzzy book that's signed by the author to put on your shelf and, hopefully, someday it might send your grand kids to column. it's a sad thing when any bookstore closes whether it's a chain or a big box or one of our fellow independents. it's not good, a foreboding sign, but there are bookstores around the country contrary to what many of your viewers think that are thriving. our business is phenomenal, it's grown every year, and we've found that those bookstores around the country that have a niche, that specialize whether it's mysteries or