we had admiral jake shuford who is very willing to listen to us. didn't always agree with this and it go our way but was very willing to listen. but quite frankly there are, the majority of the faculty were quite entrenched in their positions and quite happy with the status quo. there is an expression that my students tops me this year and it is ducks picked ducks. what does that mean? it's time for promotion and you are an aviator and everybody in the room is an aviator. they get promoted. you're an aviator and everybody in the room is a submariner. ducks picked ducks. to apply that to the war college basically when you had, when i came there is a high percentage of the faculty members who are retired military. who did they hire? they hired military. so that was a system that they felt very comfortable with but again there were instances, there were a couple of us who tried very hard to put forth programs. i remember one in particular, they had 20 people and somebody said, was arguing, a colleague and i were arguing for a tenured system. he said y