using a credit card to buy things or go out to-y dinner. 18r-old jake weintraub would like a credit card but so far, s applications are going nowhere. >> getting rejected fro credit cards is frustrate iing. it reporter: you need a cr score. most banks use your fico score. it's based on how well youave handled loans in the past. but what if y've never taken out a loan. a new scoring system called ultrafico will debutn summer. >> the ultrafico system is going to base its o score how people use traditional savings and check accounts. those kind ofccounts are easy to set up. those kind of accounts can be a good choice for somodyith a weak credit history or no credit history to build up their credit. >> reporter: but consumer optrts cautions you have to in. and then, share confidential infoation about your banki accounts. and eit's unclear if lenders ar ready to buy into the ultrafico score. >> we have anoth concern,hat making credit easier to get, may ause some people in over their heads. >> reporter: jake has a checking and savings account, and is careful with his money. heading back to col