kingdom, all of us here are catalans, christians of the catalan faith, the catalan faith mensh, ale jakuyt geta... our solidarity, yana pastayanna ўgrows, yana, yana future, yana ў pratsese, vyadoma, yak, y skin sam'i, yes, what is more, on the other hand, the husband and the wife, there dzetsi, sya sam'ya zhiva, staretstsa zhits u zgodze, u ednasti, tym, tym yana matsneyshae stanovitsa, there we іdzem іtіm іnkіrunku, to pratsavat above the hellishness, there is a skin supolnasst, yes, pr kastsele, pr paraffia, this sam, yes, that is, what we are becoming... i think it's all right , these grannies, young pakalene, and this is the family tradition, kali this is the way you go, you know, come on, otherwise you can there are many great crises of family kastounas, we are in a great state of divorce, in the disintegration of families, we are in a great state of family problems, alcoholism, health, a great situation, herself, father and mother, eight nobles are working, there or they are working, contrary , far away is hell at home, between the borders there is your city and the meat, and it’s