jalil white. you know jalil white? urkle, yes. jalil white has his own line of pot.nd the name they're using, there it is. itspurpl! that's kind of cool, i like the rain. [ applause ] i've got friends who have had it, it's real good. purpl! get you so high, you forget you smoked it! stand around the house, did i do that? [ laughter and applause ] [ cheers and applause ] >> arsenio: come here, man. jalil white! jalil white, wow. [ cheers and applause ] you know, this is -- that's very kind. >> very kind, really. i'm really just your plug. i mean -- >> arsenio: you're not going to believe it, i was just talking about you. >> i didn't hear that, i was just showing up to -- i got your stuff. [ laughter ] >> arsenio: oh. uh -- my dinner? >> yes, yes! your dinner, yes! i brought you an eighth of chipotle. [ laughter and applause ] >> arsenio: mm. how spicy is it, bruh? >> oh, spice. let's just say it will get you -- pico de higho. [ laughter and applause ] >> arsenio: i appreciate this. i'll venmo you later for the chipotle. >> yes, yes. [ laughter ] you know what, you're