we go back to jamaal murry though. this year for uk wearing a mask tonight. somebody stop me. here's a look at final score in tuscaloosa. >> i think vince vaughn calls this foos dancing first ever horizon game on the campus and if you don't know the name yvon hol happened he's a trim talent. up a point on wright state. moore holland, didn't make any spots the final 20 minute and not many nails left on the nku sideline. out scored by 15 second half. jaylen phillips over 1,000 point and nor still winless in conference with 14-point loss. >> what i told them was come in every day we have to get better and stronger and better. that's the bomb only line. we need a better squlob of coaching this group and they have to get better. we have challenge ahead. there's challenges. fight forward and continue to get better that's why i'm proud of the performance tonight i am. the way we played deten service the way we played deten servicely we did the things it take to whip a basketball game and take shots. accomplishment. like you say, we got the win. but i just like if it was not for teamm