tonight we want to show you how it's playing out in jamaica. the battle there is over what's known as dance hall music in that caribbean country. to some, it's musical poetry, not unlike rap in this country. to others, it's not only raw, but dangerous. on a recent visit to jamaica, in collaboration with the center, "worldfocus" correspondent lisa biagiotti took a look at how it's reverb baiting in jamaican society. >> almost every night in jamai jamaica, music booms from the inner city until daylight. it's wednesday night at this dance hall in one of kingston's most notorious ghettos. this club draws party-goers from all levels of jamaican society. but many are outraged by the genre of music. earlier this year, murderous and sexually explicit lyrics were banned from the jamaican air waves in the name of protecting children. >> me personally, it doesn't make me want to have sex. it's just a song. >> the reason they don't want it is to avoid the subject. >> it's really an issue of class and power. it's under the facade of, we're losing our young