one of our field trips in elementary school was to jamaica savings banks in queens and the entire classciting to see my small deposits adding up from week to week, and i felt extremely grown up. when i saved up almost $10, i withdrew all my savings and blew the whole things on record albums on sale. saving money was cool but i dreamed of the day when i would be an adult and could write checks and use charge cards. thought i thought was power. plastic cards with your name and middle initial in raised letters. i couldn't wait to get my own. flash forward 20 years. it's the day i found out that i was going to be on a television series. i went a little bonkers and i took my american express card, member since 1987, went straight to this very hip shoe store in green itch village and bought five pairs of shoes and three pairs of boots. what i forgot, due to temporary bon beingerness, was that i barely had rent money. three weeks later i was in l.a.. i still hadn't gotten my first tv paycheck but i did get forwarded from new york my american express bill now overdue. what was i thinking? money