we are joined by jamal abdi, policy director. and nazeela, a correspondent from major world outlets and author of "the lonely war." and retired colonel pat ring lang. former intelligence officer from the middle east, south asia intelligence agency. >> can this deal between the permanent mfimembers, including the faustin usengimana, e.u. and iran act as a -- u.s. and e.u., act as a predicate to anything. >> it can, depends on how the sides play their hand. what the deal did was end 35 years of n enemy preventing the u.s. and rain changing in dialogue to resolve their issues. there has been an ebb and flow of cautious outreach on both sides. until now we have not seen something that produced a final agreement. and the fact that we have the u.s. and iran both sign on the bottom line for this agreement - it's an open door. the challenge now, does this bring new opportunities to engage on an issue. the two sides know they have a lot in common and disagreement. but the next few months and years will decide a strategic opening, where th