we found the school plans at ronald jamali's house.construction company was gonna make a bid on a school roofing project. that'd explain why the blueprints were there. and the firing pin we found at the murder scene could have been left there by mazari. so, no conspiracy, no terrorist. maybe something else entirely? megan: you're not gonna believe this. i found photos of shane o'hanahan, you know, the ira associate of john austin. check this out. facial recognition software identified them as the same person. mazari's not... pakistani? no, he's a former ira gunrunner. he faked being pakistani to get the pif's funds, which he used to finance his old business of selling black market arms. that's why we heard about weapons being for sale in the area. he killed rafiq and jamali because they got suspicious. then he tried to grab rajar. and now he has to be on the run. lapd has an all points. tsa's on alert at lax, uh, long beach, burbank, ontario. david we have undercover agents at union station and the bus terminal. this guy's not taking a