the interior of the carriage was designed by james athenian stuart and william muta. following a five hundred seventeen seventy nine they renovated the originally baroque church in classical stuff. made by samuel greening so. seventeen pages seven the organ is regarded as the finest in the whole looking today in melody played by the musical director of the royal chapel. viewed from the thames while naval hospital looks quite magnificent yet it enjoyed only moderate popularity with its resit men who spent most of their adult life in the spotted conditions that existed at sea found it hard in old age to get accustomed to the extravagant opulence of the rock architecture and certainly not from the daily round was marked by military drill and pool food as one old talking planed pillars colonnades unseen interest goes don't exactly go hand in hand with pickled beef and flattery all that's been watered down to. the heart of the mabel hospital is the plaintive or sad as a dining it seats more than three hundred that is a mark of respect this served by officers. the painted h