it's when james bevel says, you know, dr. king, your approach isn't working here. i'm going to put the kids in the streets. high school students and elementary students to the point at which birmingham detectives are interrogating an eight year old girl about communist influences. and she says, i know anything about communism, but they told me a lot about nonviolence. that's the elders play a very important role in this. what you see, again and again is elders in the background. i mentioned amc more. amc and medgar evers. were the two people you went to in mississippi in 61, 62, 63. if you were a young civil activist and you wanted to. literally people said would not be alive. dave dennis so recently i would not be alive. it were not for medgar evers. he told us how to live, how to survive another septima clark fired from her job, a schoolteacher in south carolina for belonging to the naacp. she spends a week preparing rosa parks. how are you going to do this direct action? the first question she asked her is, what do you want to do? and the last question she asked