james garfield, the pams of james blane, hamilton fish, benjamin butler and many others. and together they provide a richness of detail that's helped me bring sam ward back to life. so here's the story of sam ward in a nutshell, and pecans were his favorite. his early years gave no hint of his future profession. the he was the first of six children. fis father was a highly respected conservative banker with the rock solid form of prime, ward and king and sam ward, the son, was expected to some day take his place there. when sam's mother died when he was just ten, his father was devastated and turned to religion. to the horror of his friends he destroyed all the wine in his well-stocked cellar. he become obsessed with his children's health and tried to shelter them from the world. this hand some house was on the corner of broadway and bond in manhattan. it wasn't until sam was a student at columbia that he began to learn about the wider world. his favorite spot was a cafe on william street. the more he learned of the world, the less sam wanted to be a banker. he somehow co