and i was coming james cagney young to really be a fan of james k. he's a guy who my dad was a teamster and i used to use to work all night he come in in the morning and he watches old movies that have pulled me in and i'd watch these movies with him and he was in he kind of term me on to a lot of these great actors when you play someone who in food be described in one word would be evil. this is not a likable character into guns you give him a kind of a what you're amused by him but he's cunning and he is one tracked he doesn't care about people robbing a bank. but if you rob a bank well that's where the money is but he doesn't like anyone who lies to him so he's a really weird kind of guy i'll tell you this movie has a very strong genesis in in a don siegel movie that you will remember that walter matthau played the lead in it was called charlie by. eric a member love that movie well i think i am ill this had a has some d.n.a. in that because they see that i realize the money there's a lot of people tied to the money well this is kind of the jodan