from he's a democrat but he's one of the biggest pains in the neck to the democratic president james capel. he exceeds the nominees for various political offices. he runs one of the signature initiatives which is lowering the target' so in a lot of ways he's identifying as a democrat but it would be more accurate to call him a pennsylvanian rather than a democrat and he would make the argument if he were here. in the 1850s he uses his political connections to reinforce his political machine and by that i mean a group of people willing to support them because of a personal attachment to him they see him forward and interests or their own livelihood so they are committed to voting for both principles and pragmatic reasons we've seen the collapse of the party and its replacement by theby republican party. he's got partisan political experience and is probably the most talented political operative in pennsylvania and if not, nationwide. he controls the republican party and the person who controls the republican party is in a really strong position because pennsylvania has the second-highest nu