if james carlin were thrown in jail, how would that affect you? i'd run the board of the corporation. that appeal to you? why does it feel like it got about 8 degrees colder in here? and the animosity between you and carlin is one of them. as a motive for these killings? when business relationships go sour and there's a lot of money at stake, sometimes people resort to crazy things. did you just accuse me? we're just talking, mr. galanter. all due respect, you're talking out of your ass. watch your tongue. carlin's been trying to dirty trick me out of the corporation for the last two years. if you're accusing anyone, talk to him! dirty tricks? he bribed an employee into filing a sexual harassment suit against me. where'd it end up? u and carlin? we patched things up. then a year ago, i show up for a board meeting, and his ape tried to physically keep me out of the room. he took a swing at me. i had to get a court order so i could come to work. this is carlin's bodyguard? yeah. brian vaughn. jimmy wants me out so he can consolidate the company, but