yeah so a philosopher by the name of james carse in the mid 1980 s. . theorized that there are these 2 types of games finite games and infinite games a finite game is defined as known players fixed rules and an agreed upon objective football baseball there's always a beginning middle and an end and if there is a winner there has to be a loser and then there are infinite games infinite games are defined as known and unknown players which means new players can join at any time the rules are changeable which means you can play however you want and the objective is to perpetuate the game to stay in the game as long as possible we are players and infinite games every day of our lives there is no such thing as being number one in your marriage not going to happen. there is no such thing as as as you can be number 2 but you can be number one. there's no such thing as winning health care winning education winning global politics nobody's declared the winner of careers and there's definitely no such thing as winning business but if we listen to the language of s