i director james comi. she's among the federal prosecutors on the team. they maintain that melts maxwell essentially help recruit and groom young women some as young as the 14 years of age, to essentially perform sexual acts and massages, that kind of thing on disgraced and now deceased financier, jeffrey epstein. while also, according to a number of the victims, a v allege victims in the case providing them tab seeing circle of wealthy and powerful friends among the names that had come out as we reported quite extensively . prince andrew, the duke of your car, former new mexico governor, bill richard, also famous side defense attorney allan gershwin, all of whom have denied the allegations leveled against them. the alleged victims, several of whom are here today at the court house, and other witnesses will reportedly testify under pseudonyms, but their identities will be revealed to the jury's. however, over the several years of this, the identity of those victims have come forward. we do know some of the most prominent ones, virginia roberts could fray