their support by celebrating breast cancer survivors with its models of courage campaign. >> actor james dentonyoung and nicole. welcome, everybody. >> thanks for having us. >> this is very close to home for you, right, james? >> yeah, and the more you talk about breast cancer, you realize how universal it is, friend or family. my wife's sister was diagnosed in december, and we started looking for some kind of a 501 that would help people with financial aid or something because they lost her income. >> lost her job. >> yeah, she was in nursing school. so we found the pink fund, which does just that. they help people financially on a short-term basis while they are in active treatment pay their bills and stuff like that. it's a great idea. >> natalie, how are ya? >> good, thank you. >> you're, obviously, very young. that kind of a diagnosis must have been like such a hammer when you heard it. >> it was a shock, 28 years old. taking a shower, i was actually the healthiest i'd been since high school. >> you're an athlete. >> i was working out, i was healthy. i'm 28 years old, no family history of