a 75-year-old man named james ernst. cited for improper use of aen ho, impeding traffic. >> sounds like an angry old man, period, and deserves that citation. >> in denver, caught up with hi son, david ernst. >> i don't know what happened. maybe something precipitated, i don't know. he's a gentle old man. >> and one of the cyclists said they didn't do anything to provoke this guy. >> just like, this is insane. i'm not sure if this is going to get ugly. >> colorado state law does also say that a driver has the right to cross the double yellow line to pass a cyclist, if it is indeed safe, and you saw, there was plenty of room there. >> this is a guy who just got up, grumpy pants, decided to take tout on everybody else, including these people who were out enjoying a lovely day. >> this is a nice sunday bike ride for me. >>> you guys ready for a close encounter of the tooth kind? >> no. >> this is about the coast of south africa, in the deep blue waters, you see a great whitey. this is from a crazy cameraman. charles maxwell