and when marie's mazda was dropped at the airport. >> we've got james flanders' cellphone touching towershy would his phone be near the airport? >> reporter: well, either james innocently drove marie to the airport, and neglected to reveal that or he drove her car there to cover up a crime. no way to prove it either way. so they were stuck again. which is when jason, the youth pastor, remember him? out of the blue jason came to call. he had something the detectives needed to hear, he said. >> reporter: i mean, that would take a certain amount of courage. >> absolutely. we would've never known about that if jason wouldn't have come forward. >> reporter: known what? the secret incident that got junior pastor jason involved. it happened soon after marie disappeared. when a very distraught james asked this church elder for help. >> he said, he goes, i need you to get me out of the country. i said what's going on? i said, does this have to do with maria -- marie? he said i cant tell you. never once said anything to me else, just it's bad. >> reporter: james seemed suicidal, said the elder. so